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Westerly Hospital Foundation Co-Sponsors a “Community Conversation on Mental Health and Addiction”
Monday, October 2, 2017
WESTERLY, RHODE ISLAND, October 2, 2017 – The Westerly Hospital Foundation will co-sponsor a “Community Conversation on Mental Health and Addiction” event on Thursday, October 12 at 6:00 p.m. at the Chariho Middle School Auditorium, 455 Switch Road B in Wood River Junction.
The event is also presented by the Chariho Youth Task Force, Chariho Regional School District, and COAAST. Funding is provided by the Westerly Hospital Foundation.
The two-part event will feature a Community Resource Fair followed by a presentation by the Chariho Youth Task Force and a 35-minute theatrical production of “Four Legs to Stand On,” a play created by Ana Bess Moyer Bell, MA, Founder, Executive Director COAAST (Creating Outreach About Addiction Support Together). Moyer Bell is a drama therapist who uses theater as a therapeutic tool and wrote “Four Legs to Stand On,” a story about one American family struggling with their child’s opioid addiction. After the play, the cast will invite the audience to an interactive “talkback” to share their own personal stories and perspective on Mental Health and Addiction.
The Community Resource Fair begins at 6:00 p.m. at the school and will include several community organizations who will provide information on Mental Health and Addiction services, including MADD, PONI, Chariho Youth Task Force, and TriCounty Community Action, among others.
The presentation of “Four Legs to Stand On” will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the Chariho Middle School Auditorium.
“Four Legs to Stand On” has been used to educate Harvard medical staff, high school students, the RI Department of Health, and communities across Rhode Island and Massachusetts on Mental Health and Addiction issues. It has been performed in many different venues include residential rehab facilities, community theaters, and high school auditoriums.